Long line for licences again
Stabroek News
March 27, 2002

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Dear Editor,

Many years ago my boss Ossie Baptist reminded us at a managers meeting that there was a cost attached to almost all decisions.

Today, I decided to renew my motor car licence so I visited the Smyth street office and joined a very long line. Fortunately, I was informed by the Security Guard that the line did not end at the cashier's cage but turned around again like an anaconda to join another queue.I expressed my disgust and left.

Each year the pilgrimage is the same no improvements.Surely a simple study of the turnaround time per customer and the revenue collected daily should present recommendations for revision.The Dept. has a whole year to revisit its operations.

For me, it was time and money wasted as I still put a cost to my decisions even though I am retired.How can we develop if we march at a turtle's pace?

Yours faithfully,
