The Killing of Superintendent Leon Fraser

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  1. Prosecution seeking to tender dead Leon Fraser’s depositionMay 13, 2003

  2. I missed Fraser's funeral
    April 12, 2002

  3. Fraser's death and crime
    April 8, 2002

  4. Leon Fraser laid to rest
    April 7, 2002

  5. Thousands bid Fraser farewell
    April 7, 2002

  6. GAWU mourns irreplaceable loss in death of Fraser
    April 7, 2002

  7. Fatal bullet came from car
    April 5, 2002

  8. Police confirm Fraser was shot dead from bushes
    April 5, 2002

  9. Fraser's killers vanish
    April 4, 2002

  10. Fraser's death should be clarion call for rededication to duty -Laurie Lewis
    April 4, 2002

  11. Fraser's killing leaves void in rifle association
    April 4, 2002

  12. PPP salutes Fraser's bravery
    April 4, 2002

  13. Leon Fraser killed in shoot-out with gang
    April 3, 2002

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Guyana: Land of Six Peoples