Letters on: Amerindian Concerns

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  1. We need an Indigenous Peoples' Day
  2. Independence has not helped the Amerindians
  3. Amerindians are still marginalised
  4. Reshape the Amerindian Heritage Pageant
  5. Amerindians are second-class citizens no more
  7. Amerindians did receive government help
  8. Amerindians are entitled to some interior lands
  9. Amerindian communities can speak for themselves, they don't need self-appointed organisations
  10. Hampering land title process
  11. Should the Amerindians be protected?
  12. Dr Gilkes' film on the Amerindians
  13. A big step forward for Amerindians
  14. Amerindians being asked to do self help work at Santa Rosa
  15. Amerindians deserve a public holiday