April 21, 2000
Guyana Chronicle
Wanted: unconditional love
IN DIGESTING Fr Malcolm Rodrigues' recent Viewpoint, I hope my fellow Guyanese will demand of our politicians that
there is hope for our nation only by goodwill, and reconciliation.
We must demand of our leaders that the interest of Guyana must come first, that we need leadership that would
enkindle in our hearts and minds Love, Unity, Respect and Understanding for each other.
In the past, we were betrayed by our leaders with slogans, promises and the race card.
We must demand of them, that to achieve prosperity we have to reconcile our differences and build new bridges for
I invite our leaders to read St John's 3:1-21, especially verse 19 and St Matthew 26:25.
We demand better for our beloved nation, our leaders must show us that their love for Guyana is unconditional.
Happy Passover and Easter.