There should be dialogue with business professionals and academics
Stabroek News
July 9, 2001

Dear Editor,
In recent weeks there have been numerous pieces related to Guyana's economic problems but there is very little counsel as to what road the country needs to follow to survive.

The misguided likes of Dr Clive Thomas and Ian McDonald are quick to point fingers at the multinationals and seek to blame globalisation for the economic malaise the majority of developing countries including Guyana are now finding themselves immersed in. Instead of coming to terms with the fact that those countries that still insist on following statist economic models cannot and will not survive in a globalised economy, they seek to put blame on those far removed.

In the case of Guyana it is imperative that the government and the local private sector realise that in order to truly understand the future of global business it is critical that they adhere to the following:

(a) Combine a broad perspective on the emerging conditions and technologies of business with an in-depth understanding of business realities.

(b) This must be done and encouraged by engaging in a shared conversation with a vast network of business professionals, academics and futurists. It is this type of ongoing dialogue that will help Guyana to anticipate and thus play its part in shaping the future of global business.

(c) High level research initiatives in economics must be strongly encouraged and the information and findings gathered must be comprehensive. This can be used to guide future policy decisions that can spur our movement from the sixth tier to the third tier of the global economy.

Sadly, to date very little if anything has been done or encouraged in this direction with the possible sane exception of Mr Christopher Ram's weekly business column in Stabroek News. Our private sector must radically alter or rather transform itself from being a moribund and backward institution to one that is forward thinking, innovative and responsive or rather be the catalyst to change. A change of its leadership could be a sound way to begin this much needed process of internal reengineering.

Yours faithfully,
Mike Singh