Work under way on environmental action
Guyana Chronicle
April 23, 2000
CONSULTATION on the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) 2000-2004 has been held with broad-based
input from stakeholders dealing with different aspects of the environment.
The consultation workshop last week was organised by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and was at the Tower
Hotel, Georgetown.
NEAP is not a Sustainable Development Plan.
It does not attempt to address all the interacting aspects of human development but centres on an approach which considers the
main goals of environmental protection, organisers said.
Presidential Advisor on Science, Technology and the Environment, Mr Navin Chandarpal said additional ideas should be put
forward to refine the initial draft of NEAP.
The plan of action for NEAP covers four broad headings: social and economic, conservation and management of resources for
development, strengthening the role of major groups and means of implementation.
In developing NEAP, Chandarpal said full recognition needs to be given to Guyana's global and national commitments.
He added that the government is fully committed to sustainable development in this country.
Chandarpal stressed that NEAP is not intended to be an action plan for the EPA, which is responsible for ensuring that all
aspects of environmental management are preserved.
It is hoped that the full involvement of public and private sector agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) will set the stage for a comprehensive and practical environmental action plan that will provide long-term
benefits for Guyanese, organisers stated.