Teaching our children the right way with
by Joyce Sinclair
Guyana Chronicle
April 26, 1999
I THOUGHT I would change the focus of this Viewpoint today and deal with
an entirely different subject - resting values and standards for a while.
Though, after I started thinking about today's topic, it occurred to me
that it is related to our standards, but in a different way.
Many have already repeatedly commented on the number of children
graduating from primary school who cannot read and have extreme
difficulty with their syntax, pronunciation and spelling. Did I say
primary school? This is so even for several graduating from our secondary
Sad to say and this is the most distressing of all, many of the graduates
of our University of Guyana fall in this category as well. Those of us
who are or have been employers in the public and or private sectors know
only too well, how agonising this is and what it augurs for this our
beloved land.
I support wholeheartedly the many calls for us to return to the regular
reading aloud as part of the curriculum, an emphasis on the many practice
grammar sessions, the correction of our children's spelling and
pronunciation. I say this at the risk of being deemed old-fashioned and
not `with it'. I know that it is felt to be inhibiting and stifling the
initiative and creativity of children to correct grammar spelling and
pronunciation. But what do we have as a result of our turning a blind eye
to their mistakes? As employers, we know the answer to that question.
Teachers at schools, tutors at University must see themselves as full
time coaches as they seek to promote growth in those in their charge. It
pays great dividends and our students and young employees will be
grateful that we performed these roles.
The idea is that they would learn from their mistakes and so be wiser the
next time, and not be scoffed at by their friends who know better.
Over time, I have been compiling a list of words frequently
mispronounced, which list I shall read as a crash course in
pronunciation. This is not meant to take the place of the programme
"Caught in the Slips" which is beautifully done by a colleague of mine,
Dr Joyce Jonas, - a programme that is more measured and long term.
We are vulnerable not only in the slips, but at mid-wicket, long-on, the
boundary, behind the wicket, in the pavilion, everywhere. We need several
long and short programmes, crash and in-depth to help to restore us to
the place we once held as one of the more literate nations in the
Today we need very badly to be just functionally literate.
Now for the first lost of 20 words for a two minute course in
Etiquette pronounced Etikette
Wardrobe " War drobe and not Wall drobe
Architect " Ark ee tect and not Arch ee tec
Student " Stu d ent and not stu di ent
Photographer " with an O before grapher not an A So it is Photographer
and not Photagrapher
Violence " V i o l e n c e and not
V o i l e n c e
Frustrate " Frustrate and not Frostrate
Black-Out " Black out and not Block out
X-Ray " X-Ray and not X-Tray
Debt " D e t like Pet or Bet
In the word Debt the b is silent
Film " F i l m and not Flim
Courteous " like the boy's name Kurt Kurt ee us
Asterisk " As ter isk and not asteriks
Catholic " Catholic and not Cartolick
Award - war - warning - reward
We need to pay some attention to what our children are saying at a very
early age and tell them the correct thing so that it is not a nightmare
for us later.