Plane stabbing accused should receive psychological evaluation - appeal

Stabroek News
February 7, 2001

A number of prominent ladies have urged that Sharon Lall, the accused in the recent mid-air attack, be allowed to receive psychological attention and evaluation, professional counselling and other forms of guidance.

In a written appeal to the legal and judicial authorities circulated to the media signed by Bonita Harris, Andaiye, Olga Bone, Denise Dias, Vanda Radzik, Karen deSouza, Halima Khan and others, they say that the mid-air drama must be used "as a stage for deepening our approach to similar offences, to the way we bring up our children and the way we deal, or do not deal, with the multitude of problems many young people are experiencing".

They say that violence against loved ones and against the self "are ripping our already fragile families and communities apart".

The signatories ask that a way be found to give the accused the opportunity to offer her apologies and make suitable amends to the persons whose lives were placed in extreme danger by her actions. Ms Lall has been charged with attempted murder and the case comes up in court on l2 February, 200l.

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