Teachers looking for greener pastures
Dear Editor,
Waking up Sunday morning and picking up the Stabroek News I read the headline on the front page "Hundreds of teachers at Le Meridien.
Yours faithfully,
Stabroek News
January 30, 2002
I couldn't help it, I read that article several times and I had to inform all my contacts overseas via email. In return I got messages from all over the world asking me to answer the following question, what is happening in Guyana.
I have been jobless for a while now and that is not by choice. I keep receiving letters that say the following "sorry, there is no available position at the moment, but your application will be kept on file".
I often look at all my certificates and feel sad to know that I have invested time, energies, monies etc, and feel as though I am wasted.
I will always have my roots in Guyana and will take it to my grave, but regrettably I don't have a choice any longer. I have just recently decided to spread my wings and am prepared to face whatever challenges I have to face.
I am in no way encouraging anyone to do as I do but to these teachers who will be having the opportunity to go teach in the USA (New York), I wish you well in advance.
(Name and address supplied)