What is Guyana's investment strategy?
Guyana Chronicle
October 13, 2003

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THE focus of Guyana's investment strategy is to attract and support existing and potential Guyanese and overseas investors to invest in the manufacture and creation of value-added products and services for export.

The strategy has four major components:

* The diversification of economic activity across a wide spectrum of sectors. These include processed food, fresh food, tourism, wood products, information and communications technology, services, light manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy, infrastructure, housing, handicraft, garments and textiles.
* The encouragement of local and foreign investments. In 2002, Guyana received US$44 million in direct foreign investments and another US$42 million in local investments.

* Support for micro-, small-, medium- and large-scale enterprises.

* The equitable distribution of economic activities across the country.

What is Guyana's investment promotion programme?
Based on Guyana's National Development Strategy, the Government is working to implement the following policies to promote local and foreign investments.

* Continuous and consistent application of successful macroeconomic policies.

* Uniform and low rates of taxes, administered in a transparent way.

* A one-stop agency with rapid approvals of investment projects for incentives and concessions.

* A market system for access to land for factory sites and agriculture.

* A well-designed programme to market a positive image of Guyana.