Lawn Tennis headed for revival
-AGM to be held in January
Stabroek News
December 22, 2003
After years in decline and dormancy it seems as though lawn tennis in Guyana may be heading for a revival.
On December 8th last president of the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) K. Juman Yassin had summoned a meeting of the members of the Guyana Lawn Tennis Association (GLTA) at Olympic House.
At that meeting an interim steering committee (ISC) was formed with the primary task of preparing members for the association's 2004 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
According to a release from the GOA that AGM will be held on Sunday January 18th 2004 at the GOA's headquarters Olympic House at 10 am.
All existing GLTA affiliate clubs are asked to submit $3000 as their 2004 club dues to the secretary of the interim steering committee, Grace Mc Calman, on or by 10th January 2004 in order to recover their affiliation with the association.
The release from the ISC also states that all club members may attend the General Meeting but only those registered affiliate clubs who are in good standing will be allowed to vote.
The current members on the interim committee are Dr. Joseph Haynes (Roraima Tennis Club), Roy Rampersaud (GCC Tennis Club), Fritz Mc Lean (DST Tennis Club), Suresh Singh (Everest Tennis Club) and Grace Mc Calman from the LBI Tennis Club.
The positions to be contested are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and assistant secretary/treasurer.
The committee is urging clubs to attend and participate in the meeting which has been declared as a critical milestone towards the re-establishment of the GLTA as well as the rejuvenation of tennis as a professional sport in Guyana.