'We are committed to bringing out the fans'
-says Carib Beer CEO
Stabroek News
January 10, 2004

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CRICKET TALK! From left, Tony Howard, manager of the Barbados team; Teddy Griffith, president of the WICB; Andrew Sabga, CEO of Carib Breweries; Carl Moore, manager of the Guyana team; and Neil Mc Garrell, Guyana team captain, in discussion following the

CEO of Carib Breweries, Andrew Sabga, says his company is committed to bringing the fans back out to regional cricket.

While addressing the regional media launch for the Carib Beer Series at Kensington Oval, Barbados, on Thursday, Sabga disclosed that for the 2004 series his company was planning to build and promote the excitement that has become an integral part of West Indies cricket.

"The games in 2004 will be promoted during the tournament with intensity by means of some very exciting competitions and promotions." he added.

Sabga said that Carib Beer was proud to play such a vital role in the promotion and development of regional cricket, describing his company's partnership with West Indies cricket as a "solid regional investment and a perfect alliance."

The Carib Breweries CEO compared the vision for Carib Beer to become the most sought-after Caribbean beer in the global marketplace with that of many of the players in the series who will be striving to be among the most sought-after cricketers internationally.

President of the WICB, Teddy Griffith in his opening remarks said that he recognized the need to improve the standard of the competition while generating more spectator support and providing a quality product for the sponsors. He also added that it was his intention for the Board to examine the structure and financing of the tournament.

Griffith confirmed that in collaboration with the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC), there would be a weekly one-hour `game of the week' package and live radio coverage throughout the series as well as a live regional telecast of the Final.