Defensible decision
Guyana Chronicle
February 2, 2007

Related Links: Letters on media

I HAVE been observing, from a neutral position, the Stabroek News advertisement issue and statements made by GINA and the Stabroek News.

In my opinion, GINA’s decision is reasonable and defensible. In the same way, Stabroek News has a democratic right to say that it does not agree with the decision.

I am, however, disappointed that Stabroek News had to use the worn-out scapegoat that it was a political motive. I am surprised that an experienced journalist like Rickey Singh would get involved in an issue that is being blown out of proportion.

To conclude that the advertisement issue was premeditated to spite Stabroek News for being an ‘independent’ newspaper is amateurish.

Now Mr. Vishnu Bisram, a roving surveyor of polls, decides to attack GINA because it chided Rickey Singh for his unreasonable statements.

I do not have any axe to grind and I am not politically affiliated. In my humble opinion, if the government had cut off some advertisements from the Stabroek News, it should have taken it gracefully and show the government that it could exist without its advertisements.

I think that in the long run, Stabroek News will be embarrassed by its action. The fact that the Sunday Chronicle, a state entity, published Rickey Singh’s column attacking a state agency shows liberalism of the administration.

Why then is Vishnu Bisram so upset that GINA made a few comments about the column? Mr. Singh is not on such a high protected pedestal that he cannot be criticised.

There is no journalist in the world who cannot be criticised. In fact, I think that Mr. Singh should have been tickled a bit.