Crossing the line?
Guyana Chronicle
February 3, 2007

Related Links: Letters on media

IN `DEFENSIBLE DECISION’, Stanley Nathan (yesterday’s Guyana Chronicle), chides Vishnu Bisram for defending Rickey Singh's reputation.

I wrote a long "thesis" to show how much respect Singh commands. We should not attack people - just critique their writings if you disagree.

I have no problem with people or GINA critiquing Rickey Singh's writings. But it is not fair to attack the man's reputation or integrity.

GINA did not offer any evidence to show how Singh lost “his repute”. And that is my point.

GINA owes the man an apology. Robert Persaud, when he was head of GINA, never attacked Singh.

I have a right to be upset about the attack on the man’s reputation. How would any government official feel if their reputation were attacked?

GINA crossed the line on Singh and any normal independent mind would form that conclusion - regardless of whether we like Rickey Singh or not.

GINA should recognize this error and move on. If Singh lost his repute then why is Chronicle using his articles? And why are dozens of other Caribbean publications carrying his columns?

Singh is the most respected journalist in the Caribbean. Yes, he is on a high pedestal. Does this mean his work should not be critiqued? No. I never implied that.

I think there are comments he made on many issues that deserve critique but not his reputation. And I never said GINA or the Chronicle or the government is against a free press.

I don't think the Chronicle restricts Singh's freedom to critique the government.

GINA should stick to presenting the government’s positions on policies. Don’t attack anyone!