First Lady has many duties
Dear Editor,
Certain print and electronic media lacking substantial issues to address have for some time been concentrating on the relationship between President Jagdeo and his wife First Lady Varshnie Jagdeo.
Yours faithfully,
Editor's note
Stabroek News
March 28, 2002
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People have different lifestyles, especially people very much in the public eye like the Jagdeos both of whom are very busy people in their own sphere of activities. We have seen the First Lady very active in trying to look after the welfare of sick and disadvantaged children who are in need of medical attention which cannot be provided locally at this time.
She takes all opportunities locally and overseas to solicit donations for the Kids First Fund organisation which she founded in order to carry forward her commitment in finding help for these children. She also gets hospitals, clinics and doctors overseas who are necessary to provide the required treatment and help to reduce their fees and charges so that the funds can be stretched further to help more children.
There wasn't this kind of attention being paid before by the media to former presidents and their wives and even with our new found freedom of the media under this administration some decorum and consideration should be exercised and I must say that I am somewhat surprised that even Stabroek News are allowing people to make comments about President Jagdeo and his wife that they would not have allowed, I believe, to be made about the Burnhams or Hoytes.
I attended the public celebration in memory of the late Dr Cheddi Jagan at State House on Sunday March 24 at which there was a very large crowd all having an enjoyable time with the President and First Lady who were holding hands and obviously enjoying themselves walking around, mingling and chatting with the crowd and looking on at the wonderful entertainment provided on stage.
Let us show due respect and regard for the President and his lovely wife.
John D Silva
The First Lady is a public figure and we consider her non-appearance at public functions for some time a legitimate matter for public comment. The public activities of First Ladies are monitored in other democracies.